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Explore our top FAQs to quickly navigate's features, ensuring a smooth and efficient email management experience. For more assistance, contact continuously works to support a broad range of email providers. If your provider is not currently supported, please contact our support team at for assistance.

To integrate your email, start by clicking "Create my free email agent" on our frontpage. Follow the step-by-step guide to enter your customer service email details, set up your password, and provide a brief description of your business for personalized drafting.

Upon creation, your agent analyzes your past email interactions to understand your specific communication style, preferences, and business needs. This initial analysis helps the agent craft drafts that closely match how you write, ensuring a seamless integration into your workflow.

Yes, we highly value user feedback and suggestions for new features or improvements. Please share your ideas with us via Your input is crucial for us to continue enhancing our platform and serving your needs better.